~Beyond Stress Program~

Somatic ~ Cutting-Edge ~ No B.S.

This 12 week program will help you overcome stress, tension, pain, overwhelm, depression, and anxiety, both naturally and quickly.

Are you ready to stop:

  • feeling stuck in stress loops even after doing the self work?

  • being overwhelmed or burnt-out because you're not listening to your nervous system?

  • feeling like your struggling with the same anxiety, depression, & stress no matter what you try?

  • having trouble sleeping, or focusing, or connecting with your loved ones?

  • feeling tense or in pain, and like you can never fully relax?

  • knowing there's more you're meant to be doing with you're life, but you're not actually doing it?

  • letting perfectionism, self-doubt or procrastination hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself?

  • putting other people ahead of yourself?

  • letting your trauma responses keep you from moving forward in life?

Here’s the good news: It’s Not Your Fault!

I highly recommend working with Cassidy if you are looking for a practitioner who embodies what he teaches. His unique, creative approach allows for a dynamic unfolding and healing to occur.” ~Camina G.

If you've been trying to move forward in life, but no matter what, you end up feeling stuck right back where you started. It's not your fault. Old Models of coaching, therapy, spirituality and self-help are keeping you stuck with a rigid nervous system that leaves you in patterns of procrastination, doubt, perfectionism and wondering if life is ever actually going to change…

But here’s the good news…

The solution is not in a new modality, but in a NEW APPROACH that integrates body and mind, and is focused on self-discovery and trauma healing, to create a more flexible nervous system and empower your true potential.

Old-Models of coaching, therapy, spirituality and self-help won't help you to heal your past, uncover your deepest peace and empower your true self, especially now. All the Old-Models can do is keep you from...

Uncovering your TRUE POTENTIAL needs an unconventional approach for healing, manifesting, and moving forward.

"Nothing has ever changed my reality faster than working with Cassidy Stone. I was feeling unhappy, really stuck, and blocked in my vision of success for my life. With unprecedented speed, every detail of my life metamorphosed into something more beautiful. Now, I am relishing my life, and feel confidence and excitement about what is yet to come. It's a privilege to work with Cassidy."


My style is unconventional, effective, and shaped by over 10 years of coaching experience. My approach is integrative, combining elements of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Brainspotting, Somatics, and Breathwork to help you regulate and heal your nervous system, and transform your pain into Peace, Power, and Purpose for good.

Together we'll work on getting your nervous system healed and empowered so you can live your life feeling clear, confident, and free!

Let’s be real, I’m far from perfect. I have a deep understanding of stress and trauma from personal experience. I grew up poor. My parents were alcoholics and drug addicts. I was bullied in school. I internalized a lot of trauma and developed a dysregulated nervous system which led to social anxiety, distrust, difficulty connecting, constant overwhelm, numerous physical conditions, and a disconnect from my true self. I had this nagging feeling that something was always wrong with me, or the world around me, or both. I was so stressed, so anxious, so filled with deep fear that I developed several stress related diseases including: tension headaches, bruxism, multiple herniated discs in my spine, and an inflammatory auto-immune disorder. Stress almost took my mobility, my health, my freedom. I had to find a way out.

Now I have a more connected, present, and peaceful life even in the challenges of raising two young daughters and managing multiple businesses.

Through my own journey of discovery and much education I’ve learned techniques and skills, both powerful and gentle, to heal myself and others.

I have had the opportunity to help clients all over the world to overcome anxiety, stress, depression, addiction, dissolve their fears, heal from chronic tension and pain, and become more confident, resilient, and free!

Whether your challenges are physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, I have the experience and the tools to help you. Stress, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, these are often the result of deep trauma. If you are ready to heal the root causes of stress I can handle your heaviest burdens and hold space for you 110%, so you can experience more personal freedom. I listen with a full heart, and allow you to unwind the patterns that have been holding you back.

If you have read the books, listened to the talks, taken the courses but are stuck figuring out how transform what you have learned into deep and lasting changes, I’m here to help.

If you are ready to change your thought patterns, your unhealthy beliefs, and the actions you take in life, then I’m ready to support you in uncovering your true self and activating your hidden potential.

My work is about mind, body, emotional, and spiritual healing, transformation, and evolution. I will empower you to dissolve negative emotions instead of collapsing into them, free yourself from the downward spiral of negative self talk, develop more trust, power and freedom in your body, and uncover your true self.

I've worked with various counselors, therapists, teachers, and guides over the years and Cassidy stands out among them.  He embodies a quality of presence that is unique along with a skill set that is broad and well resourced.  The work I did with Cassidy is far beyond talk-therapy and actually worked to re-wire neuro-pathways in my brain. I began interfacing with the world in new ways and practicing new behaviors in a way that felt seamless and easy.  Past trauma was healed in a way that has allowed me to move forward with a stronger foundation and a heart that is more open, more resourced, and more willing to engage with the world.  I get to be more of myself and bring more of my gifts forward to be of service in deeper ways. This is deep and transformational work, I highly recommend Cassidy if you're ready to heal and make some changes.”

~Emily Kistner 

What I do racing snowboard cross it is so demanding so many different facets extremely stressful with pressures in so many different ways and the goal is of course to perform well racing my snowboard. Holistically Cassidy has helped my athletic ability. I noticed that that belief system about how money can be bad was limiting myself from my expression of my services and my gift to the world I got to do a session with Cassidy, and in a half an hour just how Cassidy works his skills totally got to shift that. And it's amazing once you do a session and you get to work on an aspect of your life, a belief system about yourself, a part of your identity that isn't serving you, and you get to change that, and you're getting to see how that plays out how it unfolds how things fall back into place after you make that shift in yourself. Everybody has limits but a lot of those limitations are self-imposed it's the belief systems that you give yourself. I believe that the work that Cassidy does can help anybody.”

~Evan Strong, Paralympic Gold Meadalist

“I was having extreme neck pain on the right side and very little movement really has kind of locked down. Working with Cassidy has been really different in that it hasn't come back, and I've had some pretty huge changes in my physical body as well as clearing up emotional blockages that I think everyone has. And as I go through life I'm able to really deal with my problems in a different way. You may think you've tried everything but this is different. There's a lot of things out there that I think we all know: yoga, or meditation, or massage, or those kinds of things. But until you really get in touch with the feeling part of it and the emotional part of it and the way that it shows up in your body, then you just hold it and your mind might feel like it's moving ahead but your body is still holding it and with that you just are so stuck.”

~Trisha Dellis, Superintendent